club history
Communities CC has a special place in the history of Luxembourg. The Communities Cricket Club (CCC) was founded in 1990 and was initially aimed at cricket-playing staff of the European institutions in Luxembourg. Over the years it has drawn in outside players, but European institutions' staff remain the backbone of its membership. The CCC is financially supported by the Cercle Sportif of the European Institutions in Luxembourg.
Over the years, the CCC has had playing success in the LCF Outdoor League (winning the League in 2000 and 2005) and in the annual six-a-side competition. The CCC has supplied captains (Euan MacDonald and Adrian Wykes) and players to the Optimists CC sides playing in the Belgian Cricket league, and also to the Luxembourg international team. Many junior cricketers have come through the CCC's ranks to join adult teams, and the current generation of junior players – both boys and girls - is very active in Luxembourg junior teams.
contact Details
Chairman of the CCC: Adrian Wykes
Secretary and Treasurer of the CCC: John Verrinder
Captain: Piran Merkl