club history

New OCC logo 2016.jpg

The Optimists Cricket Club is the largest cricket club in Luxembourg and plays at the Pierre Werner Cricket Ground based in Walferdange, Luxembourg.

The Optimists were formed in 1976 and were founder members of the Belgian Cricket Federation league. They won the BCF league title three times in the 1990s, and are also recent winners of the BCF T20 cup. The club also has a 2nd XI in the BCF league.

Optimists CC after winning the Belgium Cricket Federation T20 Cup for the first time in October 2018.

Optimists CC after winning the Belgium Cricket Federation T20 Cup for the first time in October 2018.

The Optimists Cricket Club also hosts touring adult sides who travel to Luxembourg from elsewhere in Europe and beyond for week-end friendly fixtures.

For more information on the Optimists Cricket Club, please visit

Optimists CC celebrating winning the Belgian League Division 2 in 2017 for the 3rd year!

Optimists CC celebrating winning the Belgian League Division 2 in 2017 for the 3rd year!


Chairman – Joost Mees

Vice-Chairman – Richard Neale

1st XI and Club Captain – Vikram Vijh

2nd XI Captain – Mohit Dixit

Fixtures Secretary – James Barker

Club Secretary – Tim Andrews

Home ground

The Optimists ground is the beautiful Pierre Werner Oval in Walferdange. Many say that it is the best ground in the region in Europe and well worth a visit.

The Pierre Werner Oval, Walferdange

The Pierre Werner Oval, Walferdange