Competitive cricket

Belgian league: Luxembourg’s oldest club the Optimists Cricket Club is a founder member of the Belgian Cricket Federation 50 over league in 1991, and currently has a 1stXI and a 2ndXI competing in this tournament and the T20 competition.

Luxembourg league: The Luxembourg Cricket Men’s Outdoor League was founded in 1999, and now features two divisions with eight Luxembourg-based teams.

Luxembourg cups: T20 and T10 Cup tournaments are organised on an ad hoc basis.

Indoor league: Luxembourg Cricket has run indoor tournaments since 1998. The LHoFT Indoor Cricket League 2021/22 features two leagues and a total of 10 teams.

European competition: We participate in club and national team competitions organised by the European Cricket Network.

For the latest scores and past games see our CricHQ page

Friendly/community cricket

Friendly cricket: Friendly cricket against teams from across Europe and internally has been an essential part of the Optimists CC’s offering to its members since it was founded in 1976.

Community cricket: The LCF works to expand the amount of social, community cricket being played.